Qmin Shop represents artfully composed design which is layered with collection of elements, redefining the gourmet experience. Innovative approach and imaginative elements make us unique and position
us different from a conversional gourmet practice. Our focus was on not just a singular design idea but a collection of statement pieces bringing together an evoking experience. Design delineators are not only conforming to the décor but weaved through all the layers setting an expression for the brand, design and programing all together creating a cohesive experience.
Experience filters through the point of arrival, space planning, display, compelling interiors and lively programing forming cutting edge lifestyle design. Energy is in the core of our mind flowing through the
eclectic selection paired well with authentic craftsmanship of our self-expressive display. Diverse form, textures, hues all put together in harmony to create a statement store. Flooring represents the freedom
and flow of space. Redefined garden style seating nodding compositional form. Electric mix of hues creating an innovative trend.

Cluster lighting represents the craftsmanship from various countries revealing the message of unity – “artisans uniting the world together”. Feature light is more like a piece of art capturing the attention
from inside as well as from outside, drawing the visual invite. All the design elements for Qmin shop evokes imagination and delivers an immersive customer experience. Music styling sets the right energy
along with our Crisp, Convivial and Vivid design. All of it is put together for our customer to abound in the Qmin energy as our statement expression.