Health Benefits of Chocolates

We have all had our share of sweet, mouth-watering chocolate bar sometime or the other. More than a coincident, it has become a fact, that irrespective of race, age or gender, everyone likes that scrumptious beans of cocoa, blended to the right texture of milk, sugar and good flavours. The origin of chocolate dates back to over 3-4 millennial, and the genesis of chocolate can be traced to pre-Columbian culture or the Mesoamerican era. Be it Aztecs, or modern era human being, each one does savour it, in their own form of it. It wasn’t happening before the 17th century, that the sweet cacao treat, started taking the shape as we know it today. As per the etymological existence, it is the food of Gods, and why it shouldn’t be: Why should humans have all the fun!

Reading further would help you to have a stronger argument next time when somebody asks you to stop eating your favourite bar of chocolate. It isn’t just a sweet tooth quencher; it serves far more benefits than anyone could think of. It has its own share of nutritional, medicinal and aphrodisiac benefits. Although cocoa enriches the chocolate of its benefits, its percentage composition plays an important role in the dilution of those benefits to the human body.

Dark chocolate candy bars have a powerful punch due to cacao, packed with healthy chemicals like flavonoids and theobromine, which has proved to be a disease curing bullet.
Although cacao has a bitter chalky-nasty base which may never appeal to taste buds, when blended with its co-conspirators milk and sugar, it very well does, and are a good cure for a broken heart, as it is scientifically proven to help lighten the moods.

70% cacao in roasted ground form with high fat and sugar content, if consumed over a period of a week in the form of four or five dark chocolate bars, shall be sufficient to catalyse blood pressure levels and reduce the risk of a heart stroke by 39 per cent.

The basic components of the cacao chocolate compound are flavonoids and antioxidants, which strengthen the functioning of veins and arteries, thus ensuring a healthy heart.
Some might say, it adds to those fatty bellies, but it sorts of work the other way, it helps one in feeling satiated. It lessens craving for sweet, salty, and fatty foods which in turn shall help one control their diet. Dark chocolates are a boon to overweight people, rather than a curse.
Chocolates even have a positive impact on the development of foetus’ mental well-being and helping to-be moms fight everyday stress and pressure.

Not only does, chocolates rich in cacao, help in lightening up the mood, they also help in setting the right tone for the night. Don’t forget to gift your wife a bar of dark chocolate when you feel like having some fun!

There are a plethora of benefits that could be listed when it comes to consuming chocolates, according to scientific research. The anxiety buster, over the years, has undergone an extensive evolution of its own. From being a drink for rich, it has now become everyone’s favourite. For instance, even alcohol and cacao have a long-standing relationship of their own, which as per the research would date back to 1400 B.C.E. Talking about the current scenario, the chocolate industry has grown extensively, with certain players, like Cadbury (origin dating back to 1800s), ruling the global market, with regional players having their own share of the chocolate bar, in their respective areas. Today, though the taste has its own importance, the way this delicacy is baked and presented, play an equally important role. Handcrafted luxury chocolates are finding their own niche, and are slowly becoming the talk of the town.
About the Author
Nishu Wason
Nishu Wason is one of the pillars of strength standing tall in the making of La Chocoallure. With a strong background in the hospitality sector, she has travelled around the globe to gain experience and learn recipes to make a variety of chocolate delicacies. Nishu is trained from Callabaut Chocolate Academy Ecole School of Chocolate and Chefs from France
Shanu Wason Arora
Shanu Wason being a gold medalist in interior designing and holding a masters degree in English opted for a full time profession in chocolate making because of her interest in chocolate making along with her sister Nishu and a strong push by husband Amit. She did a degree course from Ecole Chocolate Academy Cananda, training from chefs of France and an intensive course from Barry Callabaut chocolate academy gave an edge to the revenue of the same.